11. Living an Anti-Shuffleboard Philosophy, with Jock Murray

The word sage carries with it connotations of a wise old man sharing profound nuggets of truth from on high. But for Jock Murray, guest on this week's episode, the "Sage" stage of the masculine journey (see John Eldredge's Fathered by God) has much more to do with leading from your values and influencing those around you from the breadth of experience that comes from years of walking with God.

Jock recounts heartwarming stories of his own father's active presence in his life during his childhood and adolescence. Sadly, Jock lost his dad while he was still a young man and is now learning to parent adult children of his own while leaning on his Heavenly Father for guidance. For many, the later years in life are all about spending the money you saved for retirement on toys and leisure. But for true Sages, like Jock, life is meant to be lived all-out in the service of others, until we draw our last breath. 

This episode is a practical conversation, complete with stories and examples, about how to live out that kind of "anti-shuffleboard" philosophy. No matter what stage of your own fatherhood journey you're in, there's much to be gleaned from the insights and wisdom that Jock has to share.


Toward the end of the episode, Jock cites Francis Chan's rope illustration. As promised, here's the link where you can watch it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/86dsfBbZfWs

If you would like to get in touch with Jock, you can find him on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jockmurray/


We invite you to grab a copy of Fathered by God and go through it with us. We also encourage you to go back and listen to these past episodes covering other stages of the masculine journey:

  1. [Introduction] Episode 2: Telltale Signs of the Uninitiated Man
  2. [Boyhood] Episode 4: Raising the Beloved Son, with Pastor Wes
  3. [Cowboy] Episode 7: Adventure, Hard Work, and the Heart of a Cowboy
  4. [Warrior] Episode 10: Arming Yourself to Fight the Good Fight, with Master Sgt (Retired) Anthony Dominguez


ā€œI want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch, which I've got held up for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.ā€ ~ George Bernard Shaw

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Music in this episode is from "Good Ol' Man" (Ā©2022) by Drew Green and reproduced with permission from Drew Green.

Note: Guest opinions are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Faithful Fatherhood.