27. Crime and Punishment

Scripture connects love with discipline. If we truly love our children, we need to discipline them. But how? In this episode, Brett and Perry talk about ways in which they punish their children — what works, what doesn’t work, and most importantly, how to connect with the heart of each child uniquely. Change of action stems from change of heart, so if our kids are truly going to grow and change through our discipline, we must speak to the deeper places in them even amidst of the correction. To do that, punishment isn’t always the answer. Sometimes, there are methods that work even better, as Brett and Perry discuss.

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A Dose of Motivation

“He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.” — Proverbs 13:24

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Music in this episode is from "Good Ol' Man" (©2022) by Drew Green and reproduced with permission from Drew Green.