46. Fathering the Fatherless, with Seth Johnson

Sometimes the call to fatherhood is sudden and unexpected. Seth Johnson, director of IAMercy, experienced that first-hand when God called him to father the street children of Nairobi, Kenya. What started as a feeding ministry has evolved into so much more, with several of those street boys becoming Seth’s sons. In this eye-opening and raw conversation with Seth, he shares some of the heartwarming — and heartbreaking — stories of the children who have come to call him “dad.” He also shares important lessons-learned about fatherhood from his own journey, as well as the deep yearning in a child’s heart for a father and the powerful ways he has seen God show up as Father in the lives of the fatherless. You will be moved by the stores Seth shares in this episode and gain a deeper appreciation for the true heart of a father.

To support Seth’s ministry, including providing food for the hundreds of street children who show up at IAMercy’s Saturday feedings each week, visit https://www.iamercy.org/donate.


  1. Learn more about Seth's ministry, IAMercy.org
  2. Contact Seth Johnson at [email protected]

A Dose of Motivation

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” —  Micah 6:8

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Music in this episode is from "Good Ol' Man" (©2022) by Drew Green and reproduced with permission from Drew Green.