76. Becoming a Fearless Man, with Dave Novak
Rethink everything you thought you knew about being a fearless man. Moreover, reimagine why being fearless is so important not just for how we show up in the world, but for how we can be the best fathers, too. In this episode, Dave Novak, author of Fearless Men, explains what it means to be fearless and how fearlessness leads to us becoming true men, not just real men. In this wide-ranging conversation, Dave shares powerful stories of men who have done the hard work to face their struggles and show up more authentically in their lives and families. In so doing, Dave reveals the mindsets and actions that will enable us to conquer the struggles, insecurities, and pressures that are threatening our souls.
About Our Guest
Dave Novak is a church planter and pastor in Sacramento, CA. Dave’s ministry has been shaped in racially diverse cultures and non-churched contexts, giving him a relevant voice of hope. He is the author of No More Dad Issues and Fearless Men. In July of 2023, Dave founded The F2 Project focused on healing dad issues and helping dads become heroes. He speaks to audiences nationally and globally, and is ordained with the Assemblies of God. Dave and his wife, Lori, married in 1999 and have two young adult children, Leah and Titus.
Get your copy of Fearless Men, here: https://amzn.to/4g6VslJ
Learn more about Dave's ministry and book him to speak, here: https://www.davenovakministries.com/
A Dose of Motivation
“Fear not.” — Jesus
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Music in this episode is from "Good Ol' Man" (©2022) by Drew Green and reproduced with permission from Drew Green.