The Faithful Fatherhood Podcast

The Faithful Fatherhood Podcast

Hosted by: Brett Ethridge and Perry Hughes

The world is a better place when fathers are faithfully present in the lives of their kids, helping to initiate them into adulthood by showing them the way. But the fatherhood journey isn't easy, and it's...

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53. Leading Our Families through the Christmas Season

Christmas season is upon us! As the calendar turns to December, the hustle and bustle steadily builds toward the big day, and it’s easy to get swept up in the chaotic pace and lose the intentionality necessary to make...
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52. Initiating Our Sons Into Manhood, with Don Ross

Our sons are going to grow up. The passage of time is inevitable. But even when our sons' bodies are fully grown, does that mean they're a man? What defines a man? Better yet, what makes for a good man? The journey to...
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Friday Focus #21: Life is About People

Welcome to Friday Focus on The Faithful Fatherhood Podcast. This week Perry shares an epiphany he had while walking out of a grocery store about the true meaning of life. Check back every Friday morning for a new...
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51. TV Dads, Boogers, and Nature vs. Nurture

This first-of-its-kind episode unfolds in a new format that we're calling "Quick Hitters," where Brett and Perry tackle five questions relevant to fatherhood while attempting to answer them in under two minutes...
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Friday Focus #20: Look for the Good

Welcome to Friday Focus on The Faithful Fatherhood Podcast. This week Brett shares a story about a man hanging off a cliff face that highlights the importance of looking for the good in all situations... yes, even...
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50. The Man and His Wives

"The Man and His Wives," one of Aesop's famous fables, teaches a profound truth about the importance of keeping our priorities straight. Brett and Perry use the humorous tale as a launching point to discuss how they...
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Friday Focus #19: Fatherhood is Hard... Good!

Welcome to Friday Focus on The Faithful Fatherhood Podcast. This week Brett reflects on the challenge of fatherhood and reminds us that fatherhood is only hard if you're trying to be a good father... so good for...
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49. Reflections of a First-Time Father, with Keith Neal

As time passes, it's easy to forget the feelings, thoughts, and incredible emotions we experienced when meeting our kids for the first time. Yet, it can be valuable to reconnect with that time and remember just how...
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48. Forgiving a Father Who Hurt You, with Pastor James Seiler

All too often, fathers hurt their kids. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally. Either way, the impact is profound. Father woundings run deep, and they hold us back from living the fullness of the life...
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47. Perry is Back! (with Crazy Stories of Adventure...)

Perry Hughes, co-host of the podcast, is currently traveling the western United States with his family, and boy does he have some stories to share! He finally got satellite Internet up and running and was able to...
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46. Fathering the Fatherless, with Seth Johnson

Sometimes the call to fatherhood is sudden and unexpected. Seth Johnson, director of IAMercy, experienced that first-hand when God called him to father the street children of Nairobi, Kenya. What started as a feeding...
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45. Tools for Developing Trust and Intimacy, with Bill McCarthy

One of the goals of a faithful father should be to have a close, trusting, intimate relationship with his kids. Easier said than done. While we might desire — and even strive for — such an outcome, we often lack the...
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